Today’s world says becoming strong is an attribute of a successful person. Strength is a relative term in the eye of the beholder. When a person sees one strong, they are seeing the tangible results, not the pain or suffering one went through to get there. The real strength in the time of hardship does not necessarily come from human capability, but it comes from the Lord, who, through your experiences, has made you stronger. When we are weak, He becomes strong for us. God takes our shortcomings and weakness and makes it our strength. That weakness brings him so much joy and glory because of your dependence upon Him. God’s power now becomes our strength, and we can do anything that He asked us to do.
Scripture says in 1 Timothy 4:8 that physical training has some value which does not profit in the long run to your life but godliness has value now and the life to come. But becoming spiritually healthy is the trait that God wants you to have to weather the storms to go both physically and mentally.
God’s Word
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